Donjons 7 Dragons Candlekeep Mysteries

C’est via un communiqué de presse, que Wizards of the Coast a annoncé la sortie du prochain livre pour Donjons & Dragons. Nommé Candlekeep Mysteries, il sortira le 16 Mars 2021, en anglais uniquement pour le moment.

Communiqué officiel :

D&D Announces Candlekeep Mysteries, a New Book Full of Short Adventures from Up-and-Coming Designers
While there’s a lot to love about long D&D campaigns full of twists, drama and character development, sometimes Dungeon Masters and players are looking for quick one-shots, a light-hearted palate-cleanser, or … a little mystery.

Introducing Candlekeep Mysteries, an anthology of seventeen mystery-themed adventures each centered around a single book found in the iconic library fortress. All of these adventures–many written by new authors—are intended to be played as one-shots in-person or online or simply dropped into any existing campaign. Candlekeep Mysteries is perfect for Dungeon Masters who are looking to inject new characters, story hooks, magic items, and monsters into their game without tons of prep.

Available everywhere on March 16 with a cover by Clint Cearley, and in game stores with an alternate cover by Simen Meyer, Candlekeep Mysteries presents each adventure as a tome on its infinite shelves, plus background information about the library fortress that’s enchanted fans of the Forgotten Realms for decades.

“I got my start in the gaming industry by writing short D&D adventures,” said Chris Perkins, Principal Story Designer for Dungeons & Dragons. “I’m grateful to be able to work on a product that gives other authors the same opportunity. The adventures in this anthology reflect the incredible creativity of the D&D community.”

Candlekeep Mysteries features adventures written by authors including:

Graeme Barber (@POCGamer)

Kelly Lynne D’Angelo (@kellylynnedang)

Alison Huang (Drazillion)

Mark Hulmes (@sherlock_hulmes)

Jennifer Kretchmer (@dreamwisp)

Daniel Kwan (@danielhkwan)

Adam Lee (@adamofadventure)

Ari Levitch (@AriLevitch)

Chris Lindsay (@ravens_watching)

Sarah Madsen (@ravens_watching)

Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD)

Michael Polkinghorn (@MiketheGoalie)

Taymoor Rehman (@DarkestCrows)

Hannah Rose (@wildrosemage)

Derek Ruiz (@ElvenTower)

Kienna Shaw (@kiennas)

Brandes Stoddard (@BrandesStoddard)

Amy Vorpahl (@vorpahlsword)

Toni Winslow-Brill (@vorgryth)


Créateur de Dol Celeb. Grand amateur des mythes, légendes et de fantasy depuis de nombreuses années, continuant de les explorer, pour continuer à faire des découvertes et les partager.
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