Sortie de Curse of Strahd Revamped pour Donjons & Dragons

C’est aujourd’hui et à l’occasion d’Halloween qu’est sorti Curse of Strahd Revamped, qui marque le retour dans Donjons & Dragons d’une nouvelle version collector d’une des campagnes les plus populaires.

“Passer la nuit dans le Château Ravenloft est devenu une tradition d’Halloween” explique Christopher Perkins, narrative designer de Donjons et Dragons. “Curse of Strahd Revamped est une aventure dans toute sa splendeur, et la boîte en forme de cercueil comprend tout ce dont les MJ ont besoin pour terrifier leur audience”.

Curse of Strahd Revamped (Donjons & Dragons)

Communiqué officiel :

Curse of Strahd Revamped Out Now
Bury Yourself in One of the most popular Dungeons & Dragons adventures – just in time for Halloween

London, UK – October 20, 2020 – Bury yourself in gothic horror, beginning today, as Dungeons & Dragons returns to Ravenloft with a new collectable premium box-set – Curse of Strahd Revamped.

As you prepare to stage thrilling and chilling scenes with vampire villain Count Strahd von Zarovich, here are some resources that you might find helpful and/or interesting for any product reviews or Halloween-themed stories that you are working on:

Help us spread the word! Tweet about the launch announcement or retweet one of our posts. (

Check out Greg Tito and Shelly Mazzanoble’s interview with Chris Perkins re: Curse of Strahd Revamped on Dragon Talk (Listen here)

Chris Perkins dives into the making of the box set in an interview in the newest issue of Dragon+, the official D&D magazine (Issue 33)

Buy it beginning today! Packaged in a coffin-shaped box, the premium set is available at and local game stores.

Curse of Strahd Revamped rises from the grave today…will you?

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